第九条(1972年)是一项联邦(国家)法律 打击校园暴力的有力工具.  The law requires colleges receiving federal funding to combat gender-based violence and harassment, and respond to survivors’ needs in order to ensure that all 学生s have equal access to education.

任何性暴力或身体虐待, 根据加州法律的规定, 是否由员工承诺, 学生, 或者是公众成员, 发生在大学拥有或控制的财产上的, 参加学校主办或监督的活动, or related to or arising from college attendance or activity is a violation of 区 policies and regulations, 并将受到相应的惩罚, 包括刑事和/或民事起诉以及员工或学生纪律程序.

美国境内任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

作为一名学生,你可以采取行动制止不当性行为和暴力. 了解更多关于如何做出改变的信息: 了解你的九:授权学生停止性暴力



第九条是一项具有里程碑意义的联邦民权,禁止教育中的性别歧视. 第九条 is not just about sports; it is a prohibition against 性-based discrimination in education. 它解决了在STEM(科学)领域对怀孕和育儿学生以及女性的歧视, 技术, 工程, 和数学)程序. 它还涉及性骚扰、基于性别的歧视和性暴力. 性暴力包括强奸未遂或已完成的强奸或性侵犯, 还有性骚扰, 跟踪, 窥阴癖, 自我表现欲, 言语或身体上的性威胁或虐待, 亲密伴侣暴力.

第九条并不只适用于女学生. 第九条保护任何人不受性别歧视, 不管他们的真实性别或感知性别, 性别认同和/或性别表达. 所有女性, 男性, 性别不一致的个人受到保护,不受任何性别歧视, 骚扰或暴力.

《澳门皇家赌城在线》(珍妮克莱利法案)——于1990年修订第九条 and requires all publicly funded colleges and universities to share information about all types of crimes on campus, and their efforts to improve campus safety as well as inform the public of crime in or around campus.  The Clery行为 also requires schools to provide options to survivors of 性ual misconduct so they may have the opportunity to succeed in their educations goals.  Colleges must also assist survivors in notifying local law enforcement in a safe and empowered manner.  最后, institutions of higher education must provide specific rights to both the survivor and the accused through the disciplinary process. 了解更多关于珍妮·克莱里和克莱里法案的信息.

《澳门皇家赌城在线》(1994年) - 2000年,2005年 & 2013 reaffirmations – amends the Clery行为 and expands the rights afforded to campus survivors of 性ual assault, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪.  在VAWA, colleges must include policy statements that outline the procedures an institution will follow after an incident of violence occurs, 并确定了幸存者可用的选择.  VAWA修正案要求制定预防计划,旨在防止暴力犯罪发生.  披露和报告的保密性问题, and specifics regarding Hate Crimes as they relate to 性ual misconduct acts have also been outlined by VAWA.  了解更多关于VAWA的信息.

2013年《澳门英皇赌城在线》(《澳门英皇赌城在线》)修订了《澳门英皇赌城在线》 and was designed to help colleges better protect their 学生s and employees from 性ual violence.  SaVE was designed as a companion to 第九条 to bolster the responses to and prevention of 性ual violence in higher education.  SaVE要求大学提高校园性暴力范围的透明度, 保障受害者的权利, 规定机构行为程序的标准, 并提供校园社区预防教育项目.


  1. 大学必须积极主动地确保校园里没有性别歧视. 即使你没有直接遭受性别歧视,你也受到第九条的保护. 学校必须立即采取措施解决任何性别歧视问题, 校园性骚扰或性暴力,防止其进一步影响学生. 如果学校知道或合理地应该知道歧视, 对任何学生造成“敌对环境”的骚扰或暴力, 它必须采取行动消除它, 补救所造成的损害并防止其再次发生. 学校不能阻止幸存者继续接受教育, 比如让他们“请假”或强迫他们退出一个团队, 俱乐部或班级. You have the right to remain on campus and have every educational program and opportunity available to you.
  1. 大学必须有处理性别歧视投诉的既定程序, 性骚扰或性暴力. 每所学校都必须有一名第九条协调员来处理投诉. 协调员的联系信息应该在学校的网站上公开. 如果你决定投诉的话, your school must promptly investigate it regardless of whether you report to the police (though a police 调查 may very briefly delay the school’s 调查 if law enforcement is gathering evidence). A school may not wait for the conclusion of a criminal proceeding and should conclude its own 调查 within a semester’s time (the 2011 Office for Civil Rights 第九条 guidance proposes 60 days as an appropriate time-frame). The school should use a “preponderance of the evidence” standard to determine the outcome of a complaint, 这意味着如果歧视更有可能发生,就应该进行纪律处分, 发生骚扰和/或暴力. 最终决定应以书面形式提供给你和被告. 你们两人都有权对裁决提出上诉.
  1. Colleges must take immediate action to ensure a victim can continue their education free of ongoing 性 discrimination, 性骚扰或性暴力. 同时向被告发出禁止联系指令, 学校必须确保你的住房有任何合理的变化, 课程或运动时间表, 校园工作, or extracurricular activity and clubs are made to ensure you can continue your education free from ongoing 性 discrimination, 性骚扰或性暴力. 这些安排可以在正式投诉之前进行, 调查, 听力, 或者对你的投诉作出最终决定. It also can CONTINUE after the entire process since you have a right to an education free of 性-based discrimination, 骚扰或暴力. 另外, these accommodations should not over-burden complainant-victims or limit your educational opportunities; instead, schools can require the accused to likewise change some school activities or classes to ensure there is not ongoing hostile educational environment.
  1. Colleges may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a victim safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior. 学校必须处理有关性别歧视、性骚扰和性暴力的投诉. As part of this obligation they can issue a no contact directive or make other accommodations to ensure the accused or a third party does not retaliate for any complaint. 另外, 学校不得对投诉受害人的投诉采取不利行动. 任何报复行为都可以而且应该向美国教育部提交正式的第九条投诉.S. Department of Education since it is your right to be free from a hostile educational environment.
  1. Colleges can issue a no contact directive under 第九条 to prevent the accused 学生 from approaching or interacting with the victim. 必要时,为了学生的安全, schools can issue a no contact directive preventing an accused 学生 from directly or indirectly contacting or interacting with you. 校园保安或警察可以而且应该执行这样的指令. 这不是法院签发的限制令, but a school should provide you with information on how to obtain such an order and facilitate that process if you choose to pursue it.
  1. 在性暴力案件中, colleges are prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation (rather than a formal 听力) of the complaint. The 2011 第九条 Guidance clearly prohibits schools from allowing mediation between an accused 学生 and a complainant-victim in 性ual violence cases. 然而, 他们可能仍然为其他类型的投诉提供这种替代程序, 比如性骚扰. Realize it is your choice and you can and should seek a disciplinary 听力 if you desire such a formal process. 学校不允许被告在听证会上向你提问.
  1. Colleges should not make victims pay the costs of certain accommodations that may be required in order for the victim to continue their education after experiencing violence. 如果你需要咨询, 辅导, 住房资源, 或其他补救措施,以继续你的教育, 这些资源将免费提供给您.