澳门皇家赌城在线 College Campus 资源

第九条 Coordinator:
Dr. Gema Espinoza Sanchez
Phone: (805) 289-6219
电子邮件: gemasanchez@vcccd.edu

Student Health Center
Counseling, medical emergencies and accidents, crisis intervention
(805) 289-6346| CRC-108

澳门皇家赌城在线 College Campus Police
Situations of Concern, Campus Safety and Security
(805) 289-6486 

Community 资源

澳门皇家赌城在线 Police Department
1425 Dowell Drive, 澳门皇家赌城在线, CA 93003
(805) 339-4400  | EMERGENCY: dial 911

Interface Children and Family Services Call Center |拨211
Information and referrals for basic needs resources (i.e. 食物, 服装, 和住所), physical and mental health resources, domestic violence services, substance abuse services, employment support, rent and utility assistance, senior services, services for persons with disabilities, support for children, youth and families, legal assistance and much more.

AIDS Hotline:  1-800-FOR-AIDS 

Al-Anon (Relatives and Friends of 酒精ics):  805-495-0270 

AA (酒精ics Anonymous):  805-389-1441 

Adult and Child Protective Services:  805-654-3200 

酒精 & Drug Services:  805-652-6919 

Crime Stoppers:  800 - 222小费

Domestic Violence Hotline:  805-656-1111 

首页less Info & 推荐:  800-339-9597 

Job and Career Center:  805-654-3435

Mental Health Crisis Team:  866-998-2243 

NA (Narcotics Anonymous):  888-817-7425 

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children:  800年——输了 

Poison Control:  800-876-4766 

Public Health Department:  800-781-4449 
(HIV, Immunizations, Pregnancy, STI's and other medical services)

Rape/Date Rape/Abuse:  805-656-1111 

Tobacco (You Can Quit!):  800 -没有屁股 

Social Networking and Online Support